The Betrayal of British Budo
It Only Takes the Good Aikidoka to Stand Quietly By - For the Fraudulent Plastic Samurai to Succeed.
by Henry Ellis
Below - Top left: Mr Jack Poole - Top right: Mr Toni Davies
Bottom left: Mr Vincent Sumpter - Bottom right: Ms Shirley Timms
The ` Slide - Show ` below is a factually documented story of the betrayal of British Budo by the discredited `British Aikido Board` the governing body for Aikido in the UK.
All photos and factual statements - documentation - which are presented in this documentary are all available on file. Including the BAB defamation and libel of the good name of Henry Ellis, also the attempted blackmail threats by email from the Jack Poole supporters group, which also includes the malicious website created by the same cowardly group who are desperately protecting their grades issued by Mr Poole..
The British Aikido Board - Mr Poole and his supporters - have to this day, failed to offer one single item of proof to substantiate any of the bizarre claims of Mr Poole's biography.
We have statements from many students of the time in question, and more importantly from the following highly respected Budoka listed below.
TK Chiba Shihan - R Otani President ` British Judo Council` - H Otani BJC - Pierre Chasange aide to Tadashi Abe Sensei - Bill Stopps Sensei, aide to Matsutaro Otani Sensei - Senior Metropolitan Police Detective - A Davies Hanshi, President of the Bushido Za Zen Society. - W ( Bill ) Woods Sensei, personal aide to Kenshiro Abbe Sensei. - Haydn Foster Sensei. - Derek Eastman Sensei - George Stavro Sensei. - Including a signed document along with BAB email exchanges from an `Ex- BAB Executive`.
The British Aikido Board - Jack Poole - Henry Ellis - Slide Show.
The British Aikido Board Event Presentation Programme
Reads ( pause at 7m 14sec )
" This year is a particular special event because we will be honouring 5 ( FIVE ) instructors who have served over 40 ( FORTY ) continuous years teaching Aikido in the UK. "
They are: H Ellis ~ H Foster ~ R Reynolds ~ W Smith - D Eastman.
NOW look at the presentation group photo and the named 5 ( FIVE ) has mysteriously become 6 ( SIX )
British Aikido Origins
The Video the British Aikido Board Does not Want its Members to See.
Narrated Slide Show by Henry Ellis Shihan