Wednesday 5 August 2015

The Biography of Derek Eastman Shihan

The true story of a young student at the famous `Hut Dojo` in the 1950s. 

Interview by David Wilson.

A true story of what Aikido with Kenshiro Abbe Sensei was really like in those early days.

Derek Eastman began his Aikido journey as a sixteen year old student at the
`Hut Dojo` - Sensei recalls his first visit with a friend to the Hut Dojo - as they entered the dojo there
were four men with bokkens and shinai's attacking another man who was blindfolded, Derek's friend turned to him and said " stuff this i'm orf " - he left, Derek stayed, and is still involved in Aikido over 50 years later. It was only later that Derek discovered the guy that was blindfolded was Henry Ellis. In less than one year he would become assistant to Ellis Sensei.

Click here for the Derek Eastman Bio - Derek Eastman Bio

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